Monday, January 08, 2007

Take My Birthday And Shove It

So what if I don’t like to celebrate my birthday?

Who cares?

I'm not telling you not to celebrate yours. I'm not shitting on your "day" am I? So don’t shit on

I know this one queer, who thinks that just because its his birthday, he can do and ask whatever
the fuck he wants.

"I love my birthday. I can do whatever the fuck I want." -Some Queer.


That’s lame to me.

Who the fuck are you that this one day is special, and I have to suddenly lick your balls? How’s about you kiss my ass and we call it even?

So, every year my birthday comes around, and every year I tell people in my life that I don’t want to do anything. I know what your thinking Asswipe.

I do.

"Oh, you're one of THOSE. You're the type that says he doesn’t want to do anything, and then is all mad that no one even said Happy Birthday to you huh?" -Some Asswipe

No you dick.

If you wish me happy birthday I will return this with a solid and honest "Thank you". I appreciate that you took the time to say something like this. You didn’t have to at all. You also didn’t have to get me a card, or give me anything but you did and it means a lot to me.

BUT! I don’t expect it, nor do I really want it. Is there something wrong with that? I don’t walk around every year with a rain cloud over my head, I don’t get all bitchy and I don’t make your life miserable so I have someone to be miserable with.

I just like to be left alone.

That’s it.

I am happy when I am alone.

I enjoy the silence. I enjoy being able to sit and think. Just think. Look at my life; look at how far I have come. I am still alive, and have an amazing little girl, I own an Xbox 360. Hell, all is right with the world.

No, its not.

Because for some reason people insist that how I spend my birthday is fucking lame. Well, fuck you too.

I ask for the same thing every year.

"What do you want for your birthday" -Friend/Family

"Nothing really, but a video game would be cool or just a gift card to get one." -Me.


How easy is that? I either want something I will use and enjoy for some number of months or get this…

FUCKING YEARS (an example is I bought a copy of a little game called Halo 2 well over a year ago, and because of the wonders of the internet I play it at least once a week. I’d say I’ve been enjoying that little gem and getting my money back for it wouldn’t you?)

Or a gift card, by asking for this gift card, it’s like saying...
"Hell, a few bucks toward something that interests me would be great, and you don’t even have to waste your time on me. This way, I get what I want, and you get to go back to your life and have a good time!” -Me Again.

I can only think of a couple of reasons why one would have the nerve to say that this is lame.

1-You are one of these people who have always been babied on your birthday, and the people in your life have also made it a point to bitch and point out that "It’s my birthday so I get what I want".

2-My saying that I don’t really care for birthdays must really bother you and make you think that I don’t care about yours either which, to be honest, is just not the case.

3-You are retarded.

Maybe it’s because I grew up poor. I grew up with so little cash that by the time I was 10 I knew not to make a big deal about my birthday.

My mother suffered a freaking tumor in her back by this time; my sister was running around fucking up the world at the tender age of 13. My parents were split. I was bouncing between Mom and Dad. We were moving twice a year and I had no friends. I learned that the little things that I got were a blessing. I learned to be grateful even if I had nothing because some people have even less than that. I had my family (or what was left of it) and that’s something to be happy about. The rest is trivial. No one ever told me all of this; I found this all out along the way.

How is there something wrong with that?


Anonymous said...

I'm the same way man

Zombs said...

Thank you Vass. Thank you.

dustincastro said...

Dude, some people just need to be entertained all the time by circus folk juggling chainsaws in their living room or some shit. You find comfort in just being home in peace and silence with your family -- there's nothing wrong with it. There are a lot more people like that than you think, you just wouldn't know it because they don't go out on the weekend.

Shit, I love being home just chilling or some shit. Most of my day is spent doing something for someone else (work). After that it's me time.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy my Birthday. It's the only day of the year when I get what I want, and get to do what I want. It was the only time of the year when I got a BJ during a hockey game and guilt free me time. But as I've gotten older, I realize that I should be able to get those same things regardless. Now a Bday is just a Bday.

By the way, what do you want?


Anonymous said...

Right on.

I don't really have a lot else to say about this post. Just..

Right on.

Joey Polanski said...


But I aint tellin some queer t kiss my ass.

Thatd be too weirdski.